If you let me have it, I don’t want it.

I’ve been known to snag a bag of corn chips from Daddy.  Or take the TV remote and fling it on the floor. Or dredge the orange peelings from the tip-over trashcan. The more Mommy says “No!”..the more I want whatever it is I’m not supposed to have.180.JPG

Mommy caught onto this. Within reason, whatever she has that I think looks yummy, she shares it with me.  Usually one nip or a lick and I’m good to go.  No more food fights or chip-bag wrestling matches.

If I can have it..it’s just not fun to want it. xo, LuLu

P.S. I’m new to e-commerce with my eBay store that has vintage and modern jewelry, baubles and wares.  It would be great if you would share my store link on social media!  

Here’s the link http://stores.ebay.com/LittleBunnyLuLu                                                                                                Or, just click here

Riding the vent

When it’s nearly 90 degrees, I plunk onto the vent in our guest room enjoying the smooth flow of cool air ~riding the vent

Be sure to check out my Little Bunny LuLu Store ~ Vintage & Modern Jewelry, Baubles & Wares and shop for Lego from Supplies Go Round with FREE SHIPPING in the USA. 



We are family..I got all my felines and me

Check out my feline sibs, and my funny daddy. I love this goofy family.  Be sure to open the pics to see the captions. And, like I mentioned yesterday..I know Violet is a bunny! Unfortunately, she ran when we tried to take pics..we’ll get some soon.

Be sure to check out my Little Bunny LuLu Store ~ Vintage & Modern Jewelry, Baubles & Wares and shop for Lego from Supplies Go Round with FREE SHIPPING in the USA. 

#rabbit #bunny #animalplanet #thedodo #cats #catfancy #family #comedy #humor #laughter #silly #jimkarasek #karasekfamily #englishangora #ilovecats

Hot Mama

Whew.  Sweltering today in Ohio. Beautiful sunshine.  Mommy took me outside on a leash.  I loved being outside, but the leash has got to go.

Mommy would pick me up and do this manual hop hop thing with her screechy voice. Then I’d freak and hop hop super fast headed for mulch in flower beds.  Mommy said no to that.  She wanted me to stay on the grass.  What’s the fun in that.

Mommy was sweating, and I was glad I had a hair cut..in spite of the chunk and staples in my side. What’s the big deal about playing in the dirt?  It’s fun!

Mommy says no, so I stayed hippity hopping for the grass.  Then I found grass clippings.  What fun.  Yummy. I ran around for about 30 minutes, but then Mommy was too hot, so we came inside.  I enjoyed ice-cold water and mixed green.  Then I headed to my sister’s room to nap with my favorite kitty cat, Violet.

Violet is a bunny

My folks say Violet is a diluted Tortie kitty cat.  Nope.  With fluff like that, she’s got to be in the bunny family.  She’s got more hair than me.

I love to hop alongside her, even when she swats me.  I think I’m encumbering her personal space. I just love to sit with Violet.  She reminds me of being with my bunny mom.

Groomer needed

There has to be a groomer that knows how to shave bunnies, but we cannot find one!  I need a short hair cut.  I don’t like hair in my eyes, nose and mouth, or all over my hiney.  How’s a girl to keep herself fresh with all this hair.  E-yuck!!

If you know of an experienced bunny groomer in the Toledo area, please contact my Mommy at lorijkarasek AT Yahoo DOT com.  I wrote it like that so she doesn’t get a bunch of skanky smut spam.

Bookmark and visit my “Little Bunny LuLu” eBay store

I hope you bookmarked my Little Bunny LuLu eBay store You’ll find a treasure trove of vintage and modern jewelry, baubles and wares along with Lego of all kinds!  Loads of fun!

I’ll be listing hand-blown glass, lampwork beads soon.  With swirls of greens and blues and other hues, they’re fun and perfect for jewelry making.  Most have large 1/8 inch holes perfect to add to bead pens.

Bulk buy all our Lego

If you’re a Lego collector or seller, you need to contact my Mommy.  She has tons of quality Lego, Bionicle/Hero/Technic, Lego Friends, Lego Duplo, minifigures, special parts and way more.  She wants to sell it all.  Over 500+ pounds of quality with loads of treasures.

Please contact Mommy at the email address I listed above.  We will be happy to have the Lego parts find a home.  We decided to focus on jewelry.  Someone’s going to get a super valuable lot with our Lego, so be in touch with Mommy soon!

xo, LuLu

small sgr logo lego

Lego for sale! Free USA shipping. http://www.suppliesgoround.net




Look: My selfies Kim Kardashian style

Here’s selfie snips of me being like #kimkardashian

I love the Kardashians!  Be sure to visit my eBay store with loads of jewelry, Lego and more Vintage & Modern Jewelry, Baubles & Wares  ~ Please share on your social media!  xo, LuLu

Pez dispenser on speed

What happened … poo balls are rolling out of me nonstop! I fill the litter boxes  and the whole darn house. My folks are ready to revoke my full-house access. My turbo poo is out of control.

I have litter boxes everywhere. My sibling kitties use the litter boxes..why can’t I get all my poo in the box? HELP!

Also, I started this wild scratching then biting ritual whenever I sit on mommy.  She doesn’t like it one bit and said she’s going to nip me back next time I take a bite of her.  Her chompers are way bigger than mine so I’m not biting her anymore.


When I went back to the vet, I had to get a couple staples.  Ouch…next time anyone wants to clip my fluff, I’m running away from home! The staples stays for a couple weeks, then back to the vet to get them taken out. And,   I’m still on meds for Pasteurella.

xBox Boy AKA Scardy Cat

My brother just finished school for the year.  Now I can torment him 7 days a week. Yippee!! I’m coming for you Pook!

Poor Design

Whoever designed my indoor hutch needs to get a different day job. It’s made of cheap wood that I just about ate my way through.  The bottom floor has no pull out litter tray.  And the ramp is a hazard. Hmm..I better sell more eBay stuff so I can get another hutch.  This one gets two bunny feet down!

Crash Landing

I flanked my blanket and some soft toys at the bottom of the ramp in my hutch so that when  I crash land I don’t knock myself unconscious hitting the wall.

Then Mommy cleans my cage and folds the blanket and puts it away..unbeknownst to me.  I pay no attention going up the ramp..then run down and SMASH-CRASHED a face-plant onto the splintered wood wall. I was out cold for a good while..when I came to I hopped crooked and looked like a drunk bunny for the rest of the day.

Note to folks: Don’t move my blanket and toys!!! Another couple smash-crashes and I’ll have a scrambled brain.


My Mommy giggles when I lick her face. I like that! Oh, and I have a new noise.  I kind of purr and I can growl, too.

I started yawning a lot and I still smell like onions, but everybody loves me anyway.  I think I need another bunny to keep me company.  My eight feline sibs won’t play.  They still run away from me…sniffles…I need a pal.




P.S  PLEASE post my eBay store link to your social media and take a look see! I have loads more to list, so stop by often. Vintage & Modern Jewelry, Baubles & Wares ~ My Little Bunny LuLu Store





Back to the bunny ER again

Never  jump while getting a haircut

Big mistake. I have no idea what came over me.  Maybe I’d had enough of the wool tufts in my eyes, nose and mouth.  Possibly my attention span was spent.Who knows?

I jumped.  I always jump.  But when Mom’s giving me a haircut and I jump..well, things turn out like a slasher movie.  Once again, I went back to the “Bunny ER.” to get super glued back together.

You might recall this happened several months ago.  It seems I’m a regular at the bunny ER.  Mom tried to find a groomer, but none of the groomers wanted to shave me.  I so cannot deal with the hair.


A full grown English Angora that I don’t want to look like!

I love Wally’s hair. wally

Unfortunately, we can’t find a groomer.  Mom does the best she can with a ragged -shag cut with bandage “skin safe” scissors.  I’ve had about eight hair clips..twice I got nipped. Mom felt terrible.  And, it’s cost over $500 to patch me up. And, I’m back to see Dr. O tomorrow.  An expensive venture.

When Mom clips me every couple days, it’s easy and the cut looks decent.  But when my hair grows into coils with thick tufts of wool and stretchy skin..it’s a challenge.  Not to mention the style is, sometimes, rather humiliating.  Once I looked like a horse. Another time I just looked like a kid with a Mom-cut. Take a look.

Confession: I bite my brother

My brother Kedrick is 14.  He’s nearly 6″ tall and weighs about 165 pounds.  I’m about a foot and a half (when sitting) weighing about 6 pounds.  Even so, Kedrick is scared to death of me.

My confession:  When no one’s looking I bite him.  Why?  Because I can.  It’s my cute face against his howling protests that no one believes.  Shhh…keep it on the QT. Mom and Dad think Kedrick’s making it up. And it’s funny to see a big guy run from a fluffy little bunny.

Mom’s been trying to get Kedrick to hang out with me.  So tonight he sits on the floor and calls me “little bunny” (NOT my name).  So, I bite his foot.

He howls..jumps up and runs and, get this, I take off after him nipping at his heels.  He’s screaming like banshee.  Mom and Dad tell him to hush while he babbles about me being an “attack rabbit.”  I sit looking soft and cute while Kedrick’s told to go to his room for making such a ruckus.

When he got to his room, he saw the presents I left under his covers.  Poo balls.  It makes him nutty!  And I laugh my bunny hiney off.  Chalk another one up for me! And the bunny says, “Booya!”


My dad (on the left) with my scardy-cat brother Kedrick

Check out my store Vintage & Modern Jewelry & Baubles

Lego for sale Lego, Bionicle/Hero, Technics, Friends, Minifigures & More ~ USA FREE SHIPPING

#littlebunnylulu #karasek #flashylulu #lulukarasek #bunny #rabbit #pet #funny #family #englishangora #MedVet #DrO #silly #kedrickkarasek #jimkarasek #lego #ebay #amazon #birdandexotics