Sign says…

I  missed you! Yes, YOU!!   I forgot to post my sign when I went AWOL.

Sorry about that.  Daddy had surgery; and my brother Kedrick‘s band, sports and school stuff is wild.  Other stuff, too.



“Flashy LuLu” Queen Granny, Nancy McClamroch

   Sorry this is late. Every Friday I shared a story about my Granny Nancy McClamroch.


She’s in Heaven now. Here’s more.

I owe you THREE Granny posts.  It’s a good thing Granny was a wacky, wonderful lady.  I have enough stories to tell until I croak. Enjoy the ride!


Mommy and her brother Mark are Granny’s two kids.  Well, they’re grown now.  They’re a couple years apart.  Mommy’s older.  Shhh…

Anyway, whenever something came up missing, broken, messed up or just out of order when they were kids, Granny would say, “Who did this?”

As you might imagine, no hand shot up. The McClamroch kids both shook their heads, shrugged and mumbled, “mm..unh-unh,” which is a sound people say when they shorten “I don’t know.”

Granny would smile, laugh and say, “There goes the McClamroch ghost again.”

The McClamroch kids were glad there was somebody else to blame; even if it was a ghost.


Granny said her kids had Dropsie, leaving a strew of stuff here, there and everywhere.  No matter how often she put stuff away, there were always  shoes, school books, bikes, play stuff or the like dropped in the middle of wherever.

Granny had sayings for everything.  Her cure for Dropsie was, “Final resting spot.”  She had different variations all meaning the same thing.  Granny would command, “DO NOT..AND I MEAN DO NOT…UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, set ANYTHING down until you put it in its FINAL resting spot!!”  She left notes, chased the kids around wagging her finger and hoped they’d catch on.

“You’ll never have to clean if you put stuff in its “final resting spot” she campaigned. The kids had confidence Granny would pluck wayward items and skedaddle them to their final resting spot, so they never got cured of Dropsie.


Granny’s sneeze was like a five-alarm- fire.  She sort of yodeled the burst.

Researchers say sneezes are like laughter.  How we sneeze reflects our personality.

So, of course, Granny had a loud explosive sneeze to match her
wacky, wonderful personality.

Be sure to FAVORITE Little Bunny LuLu’s eBay store that helps underwrite care for her and her 8 rescue kitties siblings that are enjoying their golden years. Please share it with your friends.

If you can,please consider buying something from our storeCome back often.  We have tons of stuff to list. High quality, unique


LuLu working on her blog and eBay


XoXo, LuLu






Funny bunny

I’ve got some funnies for you. animated-rabbit-image-0062

How do you make a rabbit float?
Put soda, syrup, and milk into a glass.
Add one rabbit.

What’s the difference between a rabbit preparing for a beauty contest and a rabbit getting ready for dinner?

The first rabbit imagines world peace. The second rabbit imagines whirled peas.

I know, I’m corny today. There’s nothing better than a good belly laugh to make a day go from good to great!


Here’s one…Why did my bald-headed daddy paint a bunny on his head? Because from a distance it looked like hare. 

That made me laugh so hard I thumped and let a poo-ball roll.

Help me earn my keep

Please do me a favor, tell your Facebook friends and blog followers about me. Ask them to check out, follow, and share my store that helps pay for care for me and my 8 rescue-kitty siblings.

Just copy the blurb below and paste onto your blog, Facebook and other social media sites.

Every time you post it, you give me the chance to earn money for hay, pellets, Yesterday’s News (bunny litter), mixed greens and an occasional treat here and there.

Copy and paste this text onto your social media and blog:

Meet my friend, Little Bunny LuLu. She looks like a stuffed animal.  She’s fluffy English Angora bunny with a blog and a store. She spry and silly.

LuLu’s  light-hearted blog is a hippity hop through life’s adventures. A satirical look at the life and times of a bunny.


Little Bunny LuLu

Little Bunny LuLu’s eBay store helps underwrite care for her and her 8 rescue kitty siblings who are enjoying their golden years. .

Please share this on your Facebook, blog and other social media sites!

Invite folks to stop by Little Bunny LuLu’s blog and store.

Like her Facebook page, too!

Little Bunny LuLu looks forward to meeting you. She wishes you a hoopy day. Thank you!


Terin.PNGhere’s a nasty woman spewing untrue stuff about me. She embellished cherry-picked stuff from my blog and said I’m abused.  I’m not abused.  My family takes wonderful care of me; and they adore me!

Apparently this hater believes all rabbits are the same and should be cared for in the fashion of old wives’ tales that ample veterinarians have labeled as bunk.

There is more than one school of thought on things.  You have a vet that says this, I have a vet that says that.  You crusade and rally against the fantasy and fiction in your own mind.

You deem animals as abused that are happily enjoying life compatible with our individual personalities. I’m sorry your beautiful bunny died; however that’s no reason to spew fictitious nonsense about me.

Thank you for promoting my blog and e-store, even if you did it by embellishing your fiction over our facts.  You stir folks up with your self-proclaimed righteousness and holier-than-though attitude. My folks wish you would stop emailing threats and harassing them.

I’m thankful my parents take the time to know me, rather than leave me locked in a dirty cage to live the prescribed life of a proper bunny.

You wrote that my family threw me in a pool.  That’s a lie.  You signed a petition that labeled me as abused, then you posted it to your Facebook stating that bunnies in water drown.  You made other mean comments.   I floated on a noddle in my family’s pool in my mom’s arms for a total of about 4 minutes.

Later, while sitting on the top step into our pool, I wanted to cuddle with mom in our warm pool, but my folks thought a couple minutes was enough for a day.

You say I’m abused, my vet says otherwise.  I don’t judge that your bunny passed away.  I don’t scrutinize your care or lack thereof. Meanwhile you fancy yourself as my protector. That’s scarier than any water I’ve ever seen.

I’m blessed that I didn’t end up in your care; and I’m thankful my parents see me as LuLu, instead of “rabbit.”

More about this

Little Bunny LuLu is our beloved English Angora bunny that we adore.  We have a satirical blog called Little Bunny LuLu and Friends.

Over-zealous animal welfare advocates have wrongly targeted our sweet bunny as being abused!

Be sure to check out and  share my ebay store with vintage and modern jewelry , baubles and wares at   xo, LuLu

Brush javelin

My big white paddle brush is a perfect javelin. I hunker down, take a running leap and spear the brush through the air… while holding on.

Me and the brush do a wicked toss- lop.  The TV remote works well for this maneuver, too.

Mommy says I’m supposed to let go when I throw my brush javelin.  What’s the fun in that? I hold on and enjoy the amusement park ride. A flip, a flop and a final drop.  Wild ride.

When the ride comes to a complete and final stop, I’m sitting on my brush, remote combing myself.

Life is such a joy.  Hey, be sure to check out my vintage and modern jewelry, wares and baubles in my eBay store.  

I’m new to this e-commerce stuff and would really appreciate your help.  Share with friends, too.  xo, LuLu